SCHS School Day is from 7:30 am – 2:20 pm
Absences & Tardies
SCHS requires verification of every student absence. Verification must be made by parent / guardian (students are not permitted to report their own absences). Absences should be reported the day of the student not attending school. Absences can be reported by fax, email, or phone call before 9:00 am to the front office. Verification should include the following: student’s name, student’s grade, date, and reason for absence. Absences not verified within 5 days will be considered as unlawful and will be coded as unexcused. (Please note Athletic and Extracurricular Activities policy for absences). A daily school messenger is sent for absence verification. Please note that the school may call parents to verify the authenticity of a phone call, e-mail, or fax.
Fax – 410-751-3587
Email –SCHAttendance@carrollk12.org
Phone –410-751-3575
Tardy to School
All students must be in their seats Mod 1, 7:30 am (warning bell is 7:25 am). Students tardy to Mod 1 or after will report to the front office for a late pass. A note or call to the school from a parent / guardian should accompany all tardiness. Students arriving without a note from a parent / guardian will automatically be marked as unexcused. A note does not necessarily excuse the tardy. (Please note Athletic / Extracurricular activities policy for tardiness). Multiple unexcused tardiness may be subject to disciplinary action. Please note that the school may call parents to verify the authenticity of a phone call, e-mail, or fax.
Early Dismissal from School
Students who need to be excused before the regular dismissal time (2:20 pm) must bring a note to the cafeteria before Mod 1 to receive an early dismissal pass. Notes should include the students name, reason for the dismissal, the date, and time of dismissal. At the early dismissal time the student will present the pass to the teacher for their initials, then go to the front office to sign out. All students must sign out in the front office before leaving and must sign back in through the front office when returning from a dismissal. Please note that the school may call parents to verify the authenticity of a phone call, e-mail, or fax.
Occasionally a same day early dismissal arises. Please call the school to request the dismissal.
Do not send early dismissal requests to the SCHAttendance email.
(Please note Athletic / Extracurricular activities policy for early dismissals).
College Visits- (Pre-approval required) Juniors and Seniors will be allowed three college visits per school year with no absence charges with a written note from a parent / guardian 24 hours in advance of the visit. (Email, written or faxed). Preapproval required.
Vacations / Travel- (Pre-approval required)
It is strongly recommended that parents plan vacation for times when school is not in regular session. It is recognized, however, that occasionally students are absent for necessary important family activities. When this occurs, prior written notification from a parent / guardian is to be approved by an administrator. (A vacation / travel form is on the school website or can be picked up in the front office).
Even though absence may be excused, students are required to make-up work missed during this time. Some schoolwork missed, such as class participation or laboratory experiments, does not lend itself to make-up. Missing such assignments may also affect the student’s grade. All absences will apply to the school’s attendance policy and may result in the denial of course credit.
Learner’s Permit Attendance Form
As of October 1, 2007, the Maryland Motor Vehicle (MVA) requires all applicants under the age of 16 to demonstrate an acceptable level of school attendance. Please refer to the MVA site www.marylandmva.gov or the Maryland State Departments of Education’s Website. www.marylandpublicschools.org/msde.
Extracurricular Participation
All students must be in school a full day to be eligible to practice or participate in an activity, game, rehearsal, etc. A full day is defined as all scheduled classes, from the first bell of the day to the last bell of the day. Early dismissals and tardies must have approved reasons and documentation for participation.
The following are approved exceptions:
Medical / Dental appointment (must bring an appointment card from doctor or dentist - not a parent note.)
Funeral or court
College visit (approval in advance)
Religious requirement
MVA appointment (must bring proof from MVA)
The following are NOT approved exceptions:
Illness with a parent note
Missed bus, overslept, car problems.
As a reminder – Parents are encouraged to view student attendance on Home Access Center
School Hours: 7:30am to 2:20pm