Health Suite
New To The School
If you are enrolling your child to Carroll County Public Schools for the first time, you will need to provide documentation of immunizations.
Acceptable proofs of immunizations are any of the following and MUST be signed by an authorized person. Parent signatures are not permitted.
• Clinic record or Physician Office record
• DHMH 896 (Immunization Record for the State of Maryland)
• Other State Official Immunization records
• Official School Records
• Baby Book (Baby Book must be signed by a physician, not a parent)
*All these records MUST be signed by an authorized person. Parent signatures are not acceptable.
The school nurse will verify whether your child has the required immunizations and will notify the parent of any issue. In the event additional immunizations are needed for your child to be admitted to school, please complete EVIDENCE OF APPOINTMENT TO OBTAIN REQUIRED IMMUNIZATIONS form and return it as soon as possible to the school nurse.
COMAR provides the conditions under which a school may temporarily admit or retain a student as it relates to their compliance with required immunizations for school. According to COMAR, in order to admit or retain a student temporarily, the student’s parent or guardian shall present evidence of a student’s appointment with a health care provider or local health department to receive a required immunization; reconstruct a lost record; or acquire evidence of age-appropriate immunity. It further requires that the date of the appointment may not be later than 20 calendar days following the date the student was temporarily admitted or retained. The parent/guardian must present evidence of an appointment prior to admittance/retention.
Evidence of Appointment to Obtain Required Immunizations
Physical Exam
Physical Exam
For your child to enter a Maryland Public school for the first time, the following is required:
· A physical examination by a physician or certified nurse practitioner must be completed within nine months prior to entering the public school system or within six months after entering the system. A Physical Examination form designated by the Maryland State Department of Education and the Department of Health and Mental Hygiene shall be used to meet this requirement.
Exemptions from a physical examination and immunizations are permitted if they are contrary to a student’s or family’s religious beliefs. Students may also be exempted from immunization requirements if a physician/nurse practitioner or health department official certifies that there is a medical reason not to receive a vaccine. Exemptions from Blood-Lead testing are permitted if it is contrary to a family’s religious beliefs and practices.
The health information on this form will be available only to those health and education personnel who have a legitimate educational interest in your child.
Please complete Part I of this Physical Examination form. Part II must be completed by a physician or nurse practitioner, or a copy of your child's physical examination must be attached to this form.
Please keep your child home from school if they have a fever. They may return after being fever free for 24 hours without fever-reducing medication.
Fever: Fever is defined as a temperature >100.0° F orally, an oral temperature of 100° F is approximately equivalent to 101° F rectally or temporally (Temporal Artery Forehead scan), or 99.5° F axillary (armpit)
Consider keeping your child home in the event they are ill with vomiting or diarrhea, especially if other symptoms are present or the cause of symptoms is unknown. Consult with the school nurse if needed.
Vomiting: Two or more episodes of vomiting in a 24-hour period
Diarrhea: Loose or watery stools of Increased frequency that is not associated with change in diet
If your child has a communicable condition, PLEASE report it as soon as possible to the school nurse. Common illnesses to report:
· Chicken Pox
· Conjunctivitis (pink eye)
· Flu-Like Symptoms
· GI Symptoms
· Mononucleosis
· Pneumonia
· Staph Infections (MRSA)
· Strep Throat & Scarlet Fever
· Upper Respiratory Illnesses (URI), including confirmed or suspected COVID cases
· Scabies
The nurse should be made aware as soon as possible of all students returning from a major medical injury, illness, or hospitalization. Your child’s safety is a priority. While we cannot require all students to present a doctor’s release to return to school it is strongly recommended.
In the event your child requires any special orders or services following a hospitalization or surgery, please have the health care provider complete the following order form and return it to the nurse.
If your child has an injury that results in the need for an assistive device (crutches, wheelchair, or scooter) to be used during the school day, we must have an official order from the health care provider, indicating the following information:
· Device needed at school
· Weight bearing status
· Restrictions during the school day
· Restrictions for PE/Sports
· Timeframe for which the assistive device may be used
Orders for School Following Hospitalization or Surgery
Please inform the school nurse as soon as possible if your child has a suspected head injury or diagnosed concussion. The nurse will communicate with all teachers and staff if accommodations are requested by a health care provider so that proper time can be allowed for brain rest and healing. Please refer to the CDC Parent Fact Sheet on Concussions.
If your child is an athlete, please note he or she will need to be evaluated twice (once for diagnosis and a final time for clearance/return to play sports.)
Medication at School
The Carroll County Board of Education encourages the taking or administering of medication at home. Parents are encouraged to consult their Health Care Provider (HCP) to discuss the possibility of administering medication either before or after school. In most cases, these arrangements can and should be made. If alternative plans cannot be made, a written authorized prescriber’s order, parental consent, and instructions must be obtained before ANY medication can be given. In Maryland, an authorized prescriber is a physician, nurse practitioner, certified midwife, podiatrist, physician’s assistant or dentist.
Click here for Medication Form
Requirements for Medication Administration to Occur at School
The following are considered medications and require an authorized prescriber’s signature using
the CCPS Medication Form:
· Prescription medications
· Over-the-counter medications
· Essential oils, herbal therapy, and homeopathic preparations
New medication orders on the CCPS Medication Form are required for the following:
· A change in medication
· A change in dosage
· A change in time and/or frequency of administration
· Any medication that has been held by the parent/guardian for 4 weeks or longer
· New medication orders may be required after illness or injury, refer to Return to School Following Major Medical Injury or Illness Procedure
The first dose of any medication is to be administered at home.
The following items are not considered to be medications and therefore students may carry them without being in violation of our drug and alcohol procedure:
· Chapstick/Lip Balms
· Non-medicated cough drops. Any cough drops that indicate a limit per day require a health care provider’s order (Luden’s or Halls Breezers are okay)
· Saline eye drops, wetting/lubricating eye drops, or contact solution
· Saline nose spray
· Hand creams/lotions
· Sunscreen
· Individually sized waterless hand cleanser
· Glucose tablets
· Salt tabs
Transport, Receipt, and Storage of Medication
Medication shall be brought into school by the parent/guardian. Only a 30-day supply of
medication may be accepted. Only under special circumstances, which are pre-arranged with the
school nurse/administrator, may a designated adult other than the parent/guardian bring in
medication. The parent/guardian must provide signed consent.
In accordance with CCPS Drug and Alcohol procedure, students may not carry medication with
them. Any student who has transported or carried medication(s) without proper authorization will immediately be referred to the school administrator for appropriate disciplinary action. (See Self-Carry section for exceptions).
Self-Carry Medications
Students have the right to carry and self-administer their inhaler, epinephrine auto-injector, and/or other emergency medications during the school day, on the school bus, or at school-sponsored activities if self-carry criteria have been met.
For students to carry medication(s), the following criteria must be met:
· Inhaler release signed by prescriber and parent/guardian on CCPS Medication Form
· Allergic Reaction Emergency Plan and Medication Orders note if student may self-carry and/or self-administer
· Students are required to report self-use of medications to the nurse
· Updated written orders must be provided each school year or when medication or dosage has changed
· For any self-carry medication, a back-up medication will be provided by the parent/guardian to be stored in the health suite
· If students are found to be improperly using the medication(s) they carry, the health care provider and parent/guardian will be contacted to discuss if student should continue to self-carry and self-administer. Administration will also be informed
Report Something To The Nurse
Emergency Cards
Please be sure to complete and return your child’s Emergency Card at the beginning of the school year as soon as you are able. You can communicate health information such as medical conditions, serious health problems or chronic conditions, and information about allergies and medications. If your child has a condition that the school nurse may need additional information about, please complete a parent questionnaire that corresponds to your child’s condition and return it to the nurse.
School Nurse: Valerie Owings or (p) 410-751-3575, (f) 410-751-3587
Local Health Department: Carroll County Health Department (
CCHD List of Resources A to Z: